Taghreed IJ

Taghreed IJ

Saudi Arabia

  • Research Article
    Automated Discharge Planning Systems: Perceived Challenges and Recommendations
    Author(s): Alghamdi AA and Taghreed IJ Alghamdi AA and Taghreed IJ

    Abstract Objective: This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of the current discharge planning program at the National Guard Health Affairs facility, King Abdulaziz Medical City-Jeddah, and to study the feasibility of introducing an automated discharge planning system in order to improve the discharge planning process. Design: This study used a qualitative research design where a face to face interviewing technique was applied with the discharge planning team and patients to understand the benefits and barriers of the current discharge planning processes. A digital recording for the interviews was applied followed by transcribing these interviews by a professional transcriptionist and finally a comprehensive analysis was undertaken to understand the facts of the current discharge planning program in K.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2375-4273.1000173

    Abstract PDF