Faruk Khan

Faruk Khan

Professor of Medicinal Chemistry Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research School of Pharmacy, Marshall University USA

Dr. Khan joined Marshall University School of Pharmacy as a Professor and Chair of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DPSR) in August 2015. Before he joined MUSOP, he had been a faculty member at Southwestern Oklahoma State University College of Pharmacy from January 2007 to August 2015, where he moved up from assistant to full professor of medicinal chemistry and also served as a Department Chair for two years. Dr. Khan had been involved with academic pharmacy education since 1993, first as a lecturer, then as an assistant professor in University of Dhaka, Bangladesh form where he completed B. Pharm. and M. Pharm. Degrees. He completed Ph.D. in medicinal chemistry from the Department of Pharmacy, University of Manchester, UK in 1999 under the Commonwealth Scholarship program. Later, he completed three postdoctoral research since 2001 in Hiroshima University, Japan (as a JSPS Fellow), then University of Mississippi and finally at Florida A&M University, each in a School of Pharmacy.
Research Interest
His area of research specialization is in medicinal chemistry and rational drug design, pharmaceutical analyses, organic and peptide synthesis and enzymology. Khan also earned a master’s in business administration from Southwestern Oklahoma State University.