Cristiana Rollino

Cristiana Rollino

Medical Nephrology of the University of Turin, Nephrology and Dialysis Divisions, S. Giovanni Hospital of Turin, Italy

Dr. Cristiana Rollino, Specialist in Nephrology, is a LARC consultant. Graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Turin in 1983, she specialized in Nephrology at the same University in 1987. In the San Giovanni Bosco Hospital in Turin, where she worked since she was hired in 1985, she was responsible for the nephrological ward from 1997 to 2012 and subsequently of nephrological clinics, the interaction between hospital nephrology and the territory and nephrological consultations, which she also carried out at other hospitals, Maria Vittoria, Gradenigo, Amedeo di Savoia, Birago di Vische.