Cindy A Leissinger

Cindy A Leissinger

1430 Tulane Avenue, Box SL-78, New Orleans, LA 70112

  • Research Article
    Treatment and Management Patterns of Patients with Von Willebrand Disease in the United States
    Author(s): Cindy A Leissinger and Diane NugentCindy A Leissinger and Diane Nugent

    Background: Few data exist regarding patient management strategies for von Willebrand disease (VWD), the most frequently inherited bleeding disorder. The objective of this study was to retrospectively assess patterns of VWD patient management in the United States. Methods: 41 physicians were recruited using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s list of hemophilia treatment centers (HTCs) and the American Medical Association’s physician database (16 HTC-, 25 non-HTC-affiliated). Patient charts were randomly sampled by quota method. Results: Charts of 225 VWD patients treated from 1/2005–12/2007 were reviewed (94/74/57 for VWD types 1/2/3, respectively). The proportion of white patients was higher at non-HTCs than HTCs, and among type 1 than type 2 patients. Females comprised 65% of patients,.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2155-9864.1000152

    Abstract PDF