Bezuayehu Andualem, Belay Beyene, Melkamu Kassahun, Addisu Kassa, Mulat Zerihun, Gizachew Wubetu, Abebaw Worku
Background: Trachoma is caused by conjunctival infection with a Bacteria, Chlamydia trachomatis. According to WHO grading system trachomatous trichiasis (TT), leads to irreversible blindness. Amhara national state of Ethiopia has the highest burden of TT. Despite huge efforts the region has big backlog and far from the target.
Methodology/Principal findings: We carried out a review and trend analysis on previous years of Trachoma intervention in the region. We also designed a logical frame work, which bring all actors together. Then the new approach of TT surgery intervention frame work ''The MUST" was implemented. The regional total TT backlog as of June 2017 was found to be 245,504. From all the surgeries carried out between 2012 and mid-2017, 32% (11687) was done only in 2016. All the ten zones of the region showed dramatic performance than ever after the new approach implemented in the region. East Gojjam [31.9% (73742)] followed by South Gondar [12.3% (28491)] zones took the highest share of TT surgery performances of the national regional state (NRS) during in the era of new approach reporting periods (2015-mid 2017). From the total of 23 districts (woredas) of the region which clear their TT backlog, eight of them are found to be in East Gojjam zone. South Gondar perform 36.4% (14,978) in 2016 from all the reporting periods of TT surgeries conducted during 2012-mid 2017. Facial cleanliness coverage among school children was found to be 90.4% and 90.8% in 2016 and mid 2017 respectively. Household latrine ownership coverage was 68.2% (6,805) and 68.5% (6772) during the same reporting periods respectively.
Conclusions: Amhara national state has still huge TT backlog. The new approach showed an assurance of clearing TT backlog before 2020. The sustainable intervention (hygiene and environmental) are not yet strong like treatment-based interventions.
Published Date: 2018-03-28; Received Date: 2018-01-03