
The influence of Caries preventive programs on the dynamic of cariogenic bacteria

Carmen Hanganu, Ioan Danila

This study was carried out in order to assess the clinical and microbiological efficacy of the two specific
caries prevention programs (P1 and P2) as compared to the control group (C). Two supragingival
plaque samples were collected and analysed qualitatively and quantitavitely by the "checkerboard"
DNA-DNA hybridization method, for 10 different oral species. The results showed that the
two caries prevention programs demonstrated their efficacy in the substantial reduction of DMFT
scores and DMFS scores after six years of application. The mouthrinsing program combined with
pits-and-fissure sealant (P2) was superior to fluoride mouthrinsing alone (P1) and almost prevented
all caries. There was a significant statistical positive correlation between the levels of S. mutans
and S. sobrinus and the prevalence of dental caries.