
Scriptural Solution to the Implacable Poverty Widespread in the Current Administration in Nigeria: Comparative Analysis

Abdulkabir Olaiya Suleiman

Poverty has triggered perilous spectrum to the life of people in Nigeria ever than before this current administration and thus, more than 60 percent were living in despicable famine, 20 percent were on the breadline, 10 percent were neither rich nor poor which as a result of this assessment only 10 percent can boast of their three time meals. This paper submits that poverty can simply be termed as deficient or insufficient means of living to survive economic standard because of low income and exorbitant cost of living that above financial capacity. This research discovered that Nigeria Government is on the lookout for possible way out of impecunious hunger that engulfed not only the orphans or Internally Dispersed Person (IDP) but also those who have liberty yet their daily or monthly earning did not sufficient for their living because of high cost of buying and selling of goods and services. Based on the axiomatic fact, the findings apprehends that the realm of poverty has downtrodden the peace and unity in the Nigeria’s first stanza. The paper therefore intends to highlight the Nitty-gritty of the divine justification on how to alleviate poverty with Qur’ānic and Biblical conception as therapeutic prophecy. The paper will rely on descriptive and comparative approach to justify the scriptural interference on the poverty alleviation in Nigeria.