
Low Frequency of Germline TERT and MITF Mutations in Brazilian Melanoma- Prone Patients

Pramio DT, Aguiar T, Araujo ESSD, Moredo LF, Sá BCSD, Achatz MIW, Duprat JP, Rosenberg C, Carraro MD and Krepischi ACV

Recent studies have reported rare germline mutations affecting the MITF gene, and the promoter of the TERT gene in melanoma families. Here we looked at the prevalence of these rare penetrant mutations in a series of 48 patients (either familial melanoma or multiple melanomas), all of them negative for CDKN2A and CDK4 mutations. A single mutation was detected in a multiple melanoma patient, who was a heterozygous carrier of the E318K MITF variant. However, this variant was also detected in 1 out of 125 controls. This preliminary data points to a low frequency of MITF and TERT mutations in this Brazilian group of melanoma-prone patients.