
Impact of State Branches of the National Library of Nigeria on Library and Information Services Delivery in Nigeria

Omosor Abigail Ufuoma

National Library of Nigeria is unique among the national libraries in the world It is about the only national library that is known to have branches in nearly all the slates of the federation. This paper discusses, very briefly, the various roles the slate branches of the National Library of Nigeria play to make the country achieve its educational, recreational and entertainment goals and in facilitating research activities targeted at bringing peace, progress and development to the country. The activities include basic library and information services, enabling informal educational opportunities for library users; bibliographic control, documentation and information services, attending to subpoena, reprography and translation services; and reactivating cultural and current awareness among Nigerians. The paper concludes that the nation’s quest for readership promotion and cultural awareness can easily be achieved by spreading library and information services to all parts of the country