
Histological Study of the Prostate and Vesicular Glands in Eastern European hedgehog (Erinaceous concolor)

Banan Khojasteh SM, Rodbari. F, Halimi Tabrizi. F and Delashoub. M

In present study, Prostate and seminal vesicle gland are investigated to determine their histological structure five prostates and seminal vesicles from adult hedgehogs that had no clinical evidences were evaluated. The description of the histological characteristics of glands was determined by light microscopy after removed and fixation of tissue samples, providing of 6-7µsections and staining with hematoxylin/eosin. Results showed that the prostate is surrounded by connective tissue capsule and trabeculae from the capsule divide the gland into many compartments. Each compartment was lined with simple columnar epithelium. The seminal vesicle gland was observed to be divided by the connective tissue trabeculae. Epithelium of this gland was simple columnar with apical blebs.