
Facial and dento-maxillary expressions in genetic discorders

Cristina Bortun, Maria Puiu and Liliana Sandu

The congenital malformations with craniofacial expressions are on the fourth place in the human pathology and they are frequently associated with other anomalies.
Our study refers to some genetic disorders, that are accompanied by facial and dento-maxiilary expressions. Therefore we selected certain syndroms, such as Crouzon, Treacher Collins, Hurler, cleft lip and palate, that allow a dentist to recognize a genic disorder.
Whenever a dentist suspects a genetic disorder, he should ask for cooperation with a medical geneticist, to formulate an exact genetic diagnosis.
Key words: craniofacial malformations, genetic disorders, facial and dento-maxillary expressions, cooperation dentist - medical geneticist.