
Experience of Supervised Internships, Focusing Attention on the Health of Pregnant Women

Tatiana Degani Paes Leme Azevedo, Gabriela Mesquita Lopes, Andreia de Aquino Marsiglio and Eric Jacomino Franco

This study aimed to relate the experience of structuring a supervised curricular internship program, focusing attention on the protocol used to promote oral health of pregnant women, at a Brazilian university. The internship was structured in 3 phases. The first consisted of conceptual construction, in which the students came in contact with the contextualization and theoretical grounding by means of debates, discussions about treatment protocols and interdisciplinary classes. The second phase followed, characterized by experience from the field. This phase was developed through practical action, using the protocols designed in the dental clinics of the university. Finally, there was a reflective phase in which the results of the practical experience were discussed. The proposal of this internship was able to attain the 3 pillars of university instruction: practice, teaching, and research.