
Eradication of Tumor Cells and the Serious Impact of Adverse Effects

Osho Ciscars

The objective in formulating a SFM is to supplement a basal

medium such as DMEM/F12 with essential components such

as growth factors, vitamins, trace elements, hormones and

any other micronutrients not provided by the basal media.

Early attempts to develop SFM formulations incorporated such

animal-sourced components as insulin, transferrin, albumin and

cholesterol. However, these first-generation formulations still

had the disadvantages of containing relatively high protein

content and components that were derived from animal sources.

There followed two important, but separate, criteria for SFM:

protein-free (PF) and animal-derived component-free (ADCF).

ADCF media may contain recombinant proteins and protein

hydrolysates derived from non-animal sources

Published Date: 2020-11-27; Received Date: 2020-11-19