Commentry - (2022) Volume 12, Issue 1

Short Note on Human Teeth
Berlucchi Smith*
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Sciences, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Dental School, Ghana, West Africa
*Correspondence: Berlucchi Smith, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Sciences, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Dental School, Ghana, West Africa, Email:

Received: 04-Jan-2022, Manuscript No. DCR-22-589; Editor assigned: 06-Jan-2022, Pre QC No. DCR-22-589; Reviewed: 20-Jan-2022, QC No. DCR-22-589; Revised: 25-Jan-2022, Manuscript No. DCR-22-589; Published: 31-Jan-2022


Human teeth have the ability to mechanically grind food by cutting and crushing it, preparing it for swallowing and digesting. Humans have four types of teeth: incisors, canines, premolars, and molars, each with a specific function. Incisors cut food, canines tear food, and molars and premolars grind food. The roots are embedded in the maxilla (maxilla) or mandible (mandible) and covered with gums. Teeth are made up of multiple tissues of different densities and hardnesses. Humans, like most other mammals, are difiodones, which means they develop two sets of teeth. The first deciduous teeth, also called "deciduous teeth", "deciduous teeth" or "deciduous teeth” usually contain 20 teeth in the end. Infants' teeth usually appear to rash around the age of 6 months, which can be distracting and / or painful to the baby.

However, some babies are born with one or more visible teeth, called new-born teeth or "birth teeth." Dental anatomy is a branch of anatomy dedicated to the study of tooth structure. Tooth development, appearance, and classification are included in his field of study, but not in occlusion or contact between teeth. Dental anatomy is also a taxonomic science because it deals with the naming of teeth and their structures. This information serves a practical purpose for the dentist by allowing the dentist to easily identify and explain the teeth and structures during treatment. The anatomical crown of a tooth is the enamel-covered area above the Cementum Enamel Junction (CEJ) or "neck" of the tooth. The majority of the crown is dentin (“dentin” in British English), with an internal pulp cavity.

The crown is in the bone before it erupts. After the eruption, it is almost always visible. The anatomical roots are under the CEJ and are covered with cement. Like the crown, the majority of the roots are dentin, usually with the pulp canal. Canines and most premolars usually have roots, except for the maxillary first premolar. The maxillary first premolar and mandibular premolar usually have two roots. Maxillary molars usually have three roots. The additional roots are called extra roots. Humans usually have 20 major (deciduous "baby" or "milk") teeth and 32 permanent (adult) teeth. Teeth are divided into incisors, canines, premolars (also called premolars) and molars. Incisors are mainly used for cutting, canines are used for tearing, and molars are used for grinding. Most teeth have distinctive features that set them apart from other teeth. There are various notation systems for referencing a particular tooth. The three most common systems are the FDI World Dental Federation notation (ISO 3950), the Universal Numbering System, and the Palmer notation.

The FDI system is used all over the world and Universal is used only in the United States, but the old Palmer notation has only some supporters in the United Kingdom. Maxillary middle incisors (8 and 9 in the figure), maxillary incisors (7 and 10), maxillary dog teeth (6 and 11), maxillary first molars (5 and 12), maxillary second molars (4 and) 13), maxillary first molars (3 and 14), maxillary second molars (2 and 15), and maxillary third molars (1 and 16). Mandibular teeth include central mandibular incision (24 and 25), mandibular mandibular incision (23 and 26), mandibular premolar (22 and 27), first premolar (21 and 28), and second premolar (20). And 29) and lower first molars (19 and 30), lower second molars (18 and 31) and lower third molars (17 and 32). Third molars are commonly referred to as "wisdom teeth" and do not squirt or form at all in the mouth. When they are formed, they often need to be removed.

If additional teeth are formed, for example, the rare 4th and 5th molars, we will talk about excess teeth excess teeth. The development of a smaller number of teeth than usual is called hypodontia. There are small differences between male and female teeth and male teeth and male jaws tend to be larger on average than female teeth and jaws. There is also a difference in the proportion of internal tooth tissue, where male teeth are proportionately composed of more dentin, while female teeth are proportionately more enamel.

Citation: Smith B (2022) Short Note on Human Teeth. J Dentistry. 12:589.

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