Short Communication - (2020) Volume 0, Issue 0

Precautionary Measures to Prevent Spread of COVID-19
Nikitha N*
Department of Pharmacy, Kakatiya University, India
*Correspondence: Nikitha N, Department of Pharmacy, Kakatiya University, India, Email:

Received: 01-Sep-2020 Published: 21-Sep-2020, DOI: 10.35248/2375-4273.20.S1.260


The world is in the core of an unending pandemic, caused by the growth of a novel coronavirus. Pharmaceutical intrusions such as vaccination and antiviral drugs are not now available. Over the next year, talking the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic will depend critically on the effective execution of public health measures counting.




Social Distancing: Avoiding shaking hands, hugging, kissing. While talking with others need to maintain minimum 1.5m distance.No public gatherings and functions like marriages and funerals are held, whenever went for market places or for groceries where large number of people will gather is such places need to maintain social distance.

Shelter in place orders – people should stay in their houses except for necessary household items like groceries, vegetables etc.

Disease observation: Observing how the disease is spreading and make people aware of reasons for the spread of disease through disease observation, proper advertisements etc.

Contact Tracing: If any person is infected with disease tracing the contacts of the person and make them to stay in home quarantine or quarantine and if any of them having the symptoms are needed to be sent to isolation. There is more possibility for the primary contacts to be infected with the disease without knowing to them since the symptoms can’t be seen earlier. Those primary contacts should be taken care first.

Isolation: All the infected people are sent into isolation for treatment and observation. If it’s possiblethe infected person they may stay in home isolation with prior medication, maintaining social distance with the remaining people in the house.

Quarantine: All the identified primary contacts should be kept in quarantine in order to prevent the spread from primary contacts to the others. And once the infected persons are recovered from the disease they also should be in quarantine for some days. Primary contacts of the infected person or recovered persons should stay in home quarantine also.

All these measures mostly control the transmission of coronavirus in public places and public transmission. These are most important measures to control the rapid transmission of the disease in public.

Novel coronavirus spreads primarily by droplets formed as a result of coughing or sneezing of a novel coronavirus diseased person. This can occur in two ways:

Direct close contact: One can get the contamination by being in close contact with novel coronavirus patients (within 1 m of the diseased person), specifically if they do not cover their face when coughing or sneezing.

Indirect contact: the droplets live on surfaces, metals and clothes for many days. Depending on the type of material (plastic, glass, floor, wood, paper, clothes, etc) the virus lives number of days Therefore, touching any such infested surface or cloth and then touching one’s mouth, nose or eyes can spread the disease.

The most significant factor in avoiding the spread of the Virus locally is to permit the citizens with the right info and taking safety measures.

Preventive methods of coronavirus locally are to –

1. Wash your hands often, for every 1-2hours with bath soap or handwash etc, use hand sanitiser also;

2. Wear a face mask, whenever going out of house it is necessary to wear a facemask and it is most to wear facemask for the sick people and infected people;

3. Avoid contact with sick people, it is better to stay away with the sick people especially with those who are having the symptoms of coronavirus;

4. Always cover your mouth while sneezing and coughing, covering mouth while sneezing and coughing is very important as while sneezing and coughing releases droplets into the air and those droplets may settle on the surfaces if those droplets are of infected person then if any other person touches those droplets without knowing may result with the infection of the disease.

Technically, we have little familiarity on the pathogen and pathogenesis, without specific effectually drugs or vaccine counter to the virus infection, which cause complications in saving the severe cases which reason for about 20% of the contaminations. The spread routes are not clear enough, even if we currently know that the respiratory spread from human to human is the major spread route, but other ways for spread, such as gastrointestinal spread or aerosol circulation, is not so clear. Thus, the multi-administrative organizations need to be in time mutually, guiding from the chief government, with more resource’s congregation from several places all over the country. Globally, the data sharing is so important, with patients’ evidence sharing to trace the alleged cases to guard more people as quickly as probable. The WHO stated the Civic Health Emergency of Universal Concern based on the International Health Regulation (2005) in the early time of the epidemic of COVID-19, as it is an unexpected event to establish a public health risk to the states through the international spread of disease, and to theoretically want a synchronize international response.

Citation: Nikitha N (2020) Precautionary Measures to Prevent Spread of COVID-19. Health Care: Current Reviews S1:260. doi: 10.35248/2375-4273.20.S1.260.

Copyright: © 2020 Nikitha N. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.