Commentary - (2022) Volume 13, Issue 4

Motility Functions of Cilia and Flagella
Jonathan Scholey*
Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, California, USA
*Correspondence: Jonathan Scholey, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, California, USA, Email:

Received: 24-Jun-2022, Manuscript No. JBP-22-17551; Editor assigned: 27-Jun-2022, Pre QC No. JBP-22-17551(PQ); Reviewed: 11-Jul-2022, QC No. JBP-22-17551; Revised: 18-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. JBP-22-17551(R); Published: 25-Jul-2022, DOI: 10.35248/2155-9597.22.13.426


Cilia and flagella are two different kinds of tiny appendages on cells. Animals and microorganisms both include cilia, but plants do not. Both bacteria and eukaryotic gametes employ flagella to move around. Flagella and cilia both provide distinct types of movement. Both require microtubules and the motor protein dynein to function. Certain protozoa, eukaryotic gametes, and bacteria have flagella that aid in the movement of certain protozoa. Like a tail, flagella frequently have a single cell. In general, they are longer than cilia. Flagella function as little motors in prokaryotic organisms. They move more smoothly in eukaryotes.

Purpose of cilia

Cilia are involved in both animal development, such as heart development, and the cell cycle. In order to work effectively, cilia preferentially allow specific proteins. Cilia are involved in both molecular trafficking and cellular communication. Motile cilia remove materials such as dirt, dust, microorganisms, and mucus, using their rhythmic undulation towards off disease. They are present on the linings of respiratory airways because of this. The extracellular fluid can be sensed and moved by mobile cilia. Primary, or non-motile, cilia don't have the same structure as motile cilia. They lack the central microtubule structure and are grouped as separate appendage microtubules [1].

Cells use non-motile cilia as their sensory organs to pick up messages. They are essential for sensory neurons. Non-motile cilia can be found in the eyes on the photoreceptors of the retina as well as in the kidneys to detect urine flow. They carry essential proteins from the photoreceptor's inner segment to the outer segment, if they didn't, photoreceptors would stop working [2]. Changes in cell development occur as a result of the fluid flow that cilia detect.

Cilia perform more than just clearing and sensory tasks. They also offer symbiotic animal microbiomes homes or locations for recruitment. These mucous epithelial tissues are more readily visible in aquatic animals like squid as they are widespread and are not internal surfaces. There are two distinct cilia populations in host tissues. As a result, cilia function to filter, clean, localise, pick out, and gather microorganisms as well as manage adhesion for surfaces with cilia.

Purpose of flagellum

Eukaryotes and prokaryotes both contain flagella. They are lengthy protein-based filament organelles that can extend up to 20 micrometres from the surface of bacteria. Typically, flagella, which give movement and propulsion, are longer than cilia. Flagella can swim, which helps them in their job of finding food and nutrients, reproducing, or infiltrating hosts [3]. Flagella act as propulsion motors in prokaryotes like bacteria and are the main means by which bacteria move through liquids.

Bacterial flagellums have an ion motor for torque, a hook for transmitting torque, and a filament, or long tail-like structure for propulsion. The filament's behaviour can be changed by the motor, which also changes the bacterium's direction of motion. Scientists utilise computer simulations to forecast flagellar motion because experiments can't be performed at high resolution.

The filament's ability to supercoil is influenced by the degree of fluid friction. Numerous flagella can be found in bacteria, as in the case of Escherichia coli. Flagella allow bacteria to swim in one direction and turn as needed [4]. Helical flagella employ a variety of strategies, including cycles of pushing and pulling. The cell body can also be wrapped in a bundle for additional movement.

Bacteria can adjust their location when they encounter difficult environments by allowing their flagella to reorganise or deconstruct their bundles. Push and pull states with varying speeds are permitted by the polymorphic state transition, which is often faster than wrapped states. Flagella not only allow bacteria to travel around, but they also give harmful germs a way to colonise hosts and spread disease. Flagella attach germs to surfaces by twisting and sticking. Additionally, flagella serve as scaffolding or bridges for attachment to host tissue.

Prokaryotic and eukaryotic flagella differ in composition. Eukaryotic flagella have significantly more proteins than motile cilia and share some of their motion and control mechanisms. In addition to aiding in mobility, flagella are also used in cell nutrition and eukaryotic reproduction [5]. Flagella may be seen on larger animals or on microscopic species like the protozoan Mastigophora. Many microscopic parasites also have flagella, which facilitates their passage through a host organism.


Additionally, it has been found that cilia have an involvement in the vesicular secretion of ectosomes. Recent studies have revealed the connection between cilia and cellular pathways that may shed light on both illness and cellular communication. Moreover, sponges and other aquatic species possess flagella, which aid in the movement of water during breathing in these organisms. Flagella in eukaryotes are essentially served as little sensory organelles or antennas. Recently researchers have started to understand the whole range of eukaryotic flagella's functions.


Citation: Scholey J (2022) Motility Functions of Cilia and Flagella. J Bacteriol Parasitol. 13:426.

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