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Commentary - (2023) Volume 0, Issue 0

Investigating the Association between Minimal Change Disease Occurrence Post-Moderna COVID-19 Vaccination
Daniel Heimberg*
Department of General Internal Medicine, University Hospitals of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
*Correspondence: Daniel Heimberg, Department of General Internal Medicine, University Hospitals of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, Email:

Received: 05-Sep-2023, Manuscript No. JVV-23-23519; Editor assigned: 07-Sep-2023, Pre QC No. JVV-23-23519 (PQ); Reviewed: 21-Sep-2023, QC No. JVV-23-23519; Revised: 28-Sep-2023, Manuscript No. JVV-23-23519 (R); Published: 06-Oct-2023, DOI: 10.35248/2157-7560.23.S23.002

About the Study

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the rapid development and distribution of vaccines worldwide, with the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine being one of the prominent options. Vaccines have played a critical role in controlling the spread of the virus and reducing severe illness. However, as with any medical intervention, vaccines may have rare side effects and adverse events. This study explores a particular medical phenomenon on the occurrence of new-onset Minimal Change Disease (MCD) following vaccination with the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.

Understanding Minimal Change Disease (MCD)

Minimal change disease is a rare kidney disorder characterized by sudden and often severe edema (swelling), proteinuria (excessive protein in the urine), and hypoalbuminemia (low levels of albumin in the blood). It is primarily seen in children but can affect adults as well. MCD is considered an idiopathic nephrotic syndrome, meaning its exact cause is unknown. It is associated with an abnormal immune response, leading to the disruption of the glomerular filtration barrier in the kidneys, resulting in protein leakage into the urine.

Moderna COVID-19 vaccine

The Moderna COVID-19 vaccine is an mRNA-based vaccine that was developed to provide immunity against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. mRNA vaccines work by introducing a small piece of genetic material into the body, instructing cells to produce a spike protein similar to that found on the virus's surface. The immune system then recognizes this spike protein and frame a response, providing immunity against future infections.

Link between MCD and COVID-19 vaccination

Several case reports and small studies have emerged suggesting a possible link between the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and the development of MCD. These cases describe individuals who developed MCD symptoms, such as edema and proteinuria, shortly after receiving the vaccine. While the number of reported cases is small, and a causal relationship has not been definitively established, the potential connection raises important questions about the vaccine's safety and its mechanisms.

Possible mechanisms

The exact mechanisms underlying the development of MCD following COVID-19 vaccination remain unclear. One hypothesis is that the mRNA vaccine may trigger an immune response that inadvertently affects the glomerular filtration barrier in susceptible individuals. The spike protein produced by the vaccine could potentially cross-react with renal tissues, leading to kidney dysfunction. It's important to note that these mechanisms are hypothetical, and more research is needed to establish causality definitively.

Rare adverse events

It's essential to emphasize that adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination, including MCD, are exceedingly rare. The overwhelming majorities of vaccine recipients experiences no serious side effects and derive significant protection against COVID-19. The benefit-risk ratio of vaccination remains highly favorable, with vaccines substantially reducing the risk of severe illness, hospitalization, and death due to the virus.

Individual susceptibility

One key question in understanding these rare cases of MCD following vaccination is why only a small number of individuals are affected. It is possible that certain genetic predispositions or pre-existing conditions make some people more susceptible to this rare adverse event. Identifying such factors could help refine vaccine recommendations and screening procedures.

Clinical implications

Healthcare professionals and vaccine recipients should be aware of the potential link between the Moderna COVID-19 vaccineand MCD. Individuals who experience unexplained swelling, especially if accompanied by proteinuria, after vccination should seek medical evaluation. Timely diagnosis and treatment can significantly improve the prognosis for MCD patients.

Balancing risks and benefits

Public health officials and healthcare providers must balance the rare occurrence of MCD with the substantial benefits of COVID-19 vaccination. The risk of severe illness, long-term complications, and death due to COVID-19 far outweighs the potential risk of MCD. Public health messaging should continue to emphasize the overall safety and effectiveness of vaccines while acknowledging the need for ongoing monitoring and research into potential rare adverse events.

Continued surveillance and research

To better understand the association between MCD and COVID-19 vaccination, ongoing surveillance and research are critical. Large-scale epidemiological studies, including retrospective analyses and case-control studies, should be conducted to assess the incidence of MCD following vaccination and identify any risk factors. Additionally, laboratory studies can investigate potential immunological mechanisms involved in this rare phenomenon.

Vaccine safety monitoring

The reporting and monitoring of adverse events following vaccination should remain a priority. Healthcare providers should encourage patients to report any unusual or severe symptoms after vaccination. Robust data collection and analysis are essential to detect and assess rare adverse events accurately.

Risk communication

Effective risk communication is vital in ensuring public trust and confidence in vaccination programs. Health authorities should provide clear and transparent information about the potential risks and benefits of COVID-19 vaccines, including the rare occurrence of MCD. Open dialogue with healthcare professionals, patients, and the public is essential for informed decision-making.


The occurrence of new-onset minimal change disease following the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine is a rare but concerning phenomenon. to remember that the vast majority of individuals benefit from COVID-19 vaccination without experiencing serious adverse events. The rarity of such events should not overshadow the significant public health benefits of vaccination, including the reduction of COVID-19-related morbidity and mortality. Ongoing research, surveillance, and transparent communication will be essential in ensuring the safety and effectiveness of vaccination programs worldwide.

Citation: Heimberg D (2023) Investigating the Association between Minimal Change Disease Occurrence Post-Moderna COVID-19 Vaccination. J Vaccines Vaccin. S23:002.

Copyright: © 2023 Heimberg D. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.