Opinion - (2023) Volume 12, Issue 2

Exploring the Surprising World of Nonassociative Quantum Mechanics
Restifo Stankovic*
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padova, Padova, Italy
*Correspondence: Restifo Stankovic, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padova, Padova, Italy, Email:

Received: 13-Feb-2023, Manuscript No. JAME-23-21006; Editor assigned: 16-Feb-2023, Pre QC No. JAME-23-21006 (PQ); Reviewed: 06-Mar-2023, QC No. JAME-23-21006; Revised: 13-Mar-2023, Manuscript No. JAME-23-21006 (R); Published: 20-Mar-2023, DOI: 10.35248/2168-9873.23.12.468


Quantum mechanics is one of the most successful theories in the history of science, providing an accurate description of the behavior of matter at the microscopic level. However, quantum mechanics as we know it today is based on the assumption that the fundamental algebraic structure underlying the theory is associative, meaning that the order of operations does not matter. While this assumption has proven to be remarkably successful, it is not clear whether it is a fundamental feature of nature or simply a convenient mathematical convention.

Nonassociative quantum mechanics is an area of research that explores the consequences of dropping the assumption of associativity in quantum mechanics. In nonassociative quantum mechanics, the order of operations does matter, and this can lead to some surprising and counterintuitive results.

One of the key motivations for exploring nonassociative quantum mechanics is the fact that many of the most interesting and mysterious phenomena in quantum mechanics involve noncommuting observables. Noncommuting observables are observables that do not commute with one another, meaning that the order in which they are measured affects the outcome of the measurement. For example, the position and momentum of a particle are noncommuting observables, and the famous Heisenberg uncertainty principle is a consequence of this fact.

In associative quantum mechanics, the order in which noncommuting observables are measured does not matter, because the algebraic structure of the theory is associative. However, in nonassociative quantum mechanics, the order of operations does matter, and this can lead to some surprising and counterintuitive results.

One of the key areas of research in nonassociative quantum mechanics is the development of nonassociative versions of the Schrödinger equation. The Schrödinger equation is the fundamental equation of quantum mechanics, describing how the state of a quantum system evolves over time. In associative quantum mechanics, the Schrödinger equation is a linear, firstorder partial differential equation. However, in nonassociative quantum mechanics, the Schrödinger equation may be a nonlinear, higher-order partial differential equation. This can lead to a wide range of new phenomena, including the possibility of solitons, which are localized, self-reinforcing wave packets that can propagate without spreading out.

Another area of research in nonassociative quantum mechanics is the development of nonassociative versions of quantum field theory. Quantum field theory is the mathematical framework that describes the behavior of elementary particles and their interactions. In associative quantum field theory, the fundamental algebraic structure is a type of associative algebra known as a Lie algebra. However, in nonassociative quantum field theory, the fundamental algebraic structure may be a nonassociative algebra, such as a Jordan algebra or an alternative algebra. This can lead to new types of particles and interactions that are not present in associative quantum field theory.

Nonassociative quantum mechanics also has important implications for the interpretation of quantum mechanics. One of the key interpretational issues in quantum mechanics is the measurement problem, which concerns how the act of measurement affects the state of a quantum system. In associative quantum mechanics, the measurement problem is often formulated in terms of the collapse of the wave function, which is a mathematical device used to describe the change in the state of a system due to measurement. However, in nonassociative quantum mechanics, the measurement problem may take on a different form, because the order of operations can affect the outcome of the measurement in ways that are not present in associative quantum mechanics.

Despite the many interesting and promising aspects of nonassociative quantum mechanics, it is still a relatively new and underdeveloped field of research. There are many open questions and challenges that need to be addressed before nonassociative quantum mechanics can be fully integrated into the broader framework of quantum theory.

Citation: Stankovic R (2023) Exploring the Surprising World of Nonassociative Quantum Mechanics. J Appl Mech Eng. 12:468.

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