Opinion Article - (2024) Volume 14, Issue 1

Developments in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: Assumption Technology for Better Patient Care
Jorge Boal*
Department of Dental Sciences, Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Brazil
*Correspondence: Jorge Boal, Department of Dental Sciences, Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Brazil, Email:

Received: 01-Mar-2024, Manuscript No. DCR-24-25099; Editor assigned: 04-Mar-2024, Pre QC No. DCR-24-25099 (PQ); Reviewed: 18-Mar-2024, QC No. DCR-24-25099; Revised: 25-Mar-2024, Manuscript No. DCR-24-25099 (R); Published: 01-Apr-2024, DOI: 10.35248/2161-1122.23.14.677


Technology is still revolutionizing every side of patient care and treatment in the healthcare industry. Technological advancements have led to significant improvements in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery, which deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, injuries, and defects of the mouth, jaws, face, and neck. Technology is essential to improve or in improving the accuracy, effectiveness, and results of oral and maxillofacial surgeries. It ranges from imaging methods to surgical instruments and robotic assisted procedures.

One of the significant areas where technology has made profound contributions is in imaging techniques. Cone-Beam Computed Tomography systems (CBCT) provides highresolution 3D images of the maxillofacial region, allowing surgeons to visualize anatomical structures with unprecedented details. This aids in accurate diagnosis, treatment planning, and the identification of potential complications before surgery, leading to better outcomes and reduced risk to patients. Virtual Surgical Planning (VSP) is another technology, approach that has transformed the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery. It enables precise anatomical modeling, simulation of surgical schemes, and the customization of implants or prosthetics modified to each patient's unique anatomy. This preoperative planning enhances surgical accuracy, reduces operating time and minimizes intra operative complications, ultimately improving patient safety and satisfaction.

The integration of robotics into oral and maxillofacial surgery has opened up new frontiers in surgical precision and control. These systems enable minimally invasive procedures with smaller incisions, reduced tissue trauma, and faster recovery times for patients. Whether performing delicate procedures such as orthognathic surgery or complex tumor resections, robotics augments the surgeon's capabilities, leading to superior surgical outcomes and improved patient quality of life. Navigation systems have become indispensable tools in modern oral and maxillofacial surgery, providing time guidance and feedback during complex procedures. Utilizing a combination of imaging data and intraoperative tracking devices, navigation systems allow surgeons to just localize anatomical landmarks, plan optimal incisions, and ensure accurate placement of implants or grafts. By enhancing surgical accuracy and reducing the margin of error, navigation systems help minimize complications and improve the overall success rate of procedures, particularly in trial cases involving anatomical variations or revision surgeries.

Advancements in 3D printing technology have revolutionized the fabrication of patient specific implants and prosthetics in oral and maxillofacial surgery. By utilizing patient imaging data, such as CBCT scans, surgeons can design custom implants that precisely match the patient's anatomy. These implants can be manufactured using biocompatible materials. The ability to create personalized solutions to each patient's unique needs enhances treatment efficacy and patient satisfaction in oral and maxillofacial surgery. In addition to intraoperative technologies, the introduction of telemedicine method transformed the oral and maxillofacial surgeons interact with patients, particularly in remote or underserved areas.

Citation: Boal J (2024) Developments in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: Assumption Technology for Better Patient Care. J Dentistry. 14:677.

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