Opinion Article - (2022) Volume 12, Issue 3

Clinical Study on the Effect of Cavities Cleaning of Occlusal Tooth
Bellusci Huilan*
1Department of Oral Health, Norfolk and Norwich University, Norwich, England
*Correspondence: Bellusci Huilan, Department of Oral Health, Norfolk and Norwich University, Norwich, England, Email:

Received: 01-Mar-2022, Manuscript No. DCR-22-16421; Editor assigned: 04-Mar-2022, Pre QC No. DCR-22-16421 (PQ); Reviewed: 18-Mar-2022, QC No. DCR-22-16421; Revised: 25-Mar-2022, Manuscript No. DCR-22-16421 (R); Published: 04-Apr-2022, DOI: 10.35248/2161-1122.22.12.568


Teeth cleaning are part of oral hygiene and involve removing plaque from your teeth to prevent tooth decay (cavities), gingivitis, and periodontitis. People regularly clean their teeth with brushing and interdental cleaning, and dental hygienists can remove tartar that was not removed by regular cleaning. Thorough and frequent brushing with a toothbrush will prevent plaque bacteria from accumulating on your teeth. Electric toothbrushes were initially developed and recommended for people with hand strength and dexterity issues, but are widely and commonly used.

Special equipment and tools can be used to supplement toothpaste and interdental cleansing. These include special toothpicks, oral irrigators and other equipment. Teeth cleaning, also known as prophylaxis is literally a preventative treatment for the disease, especially in areas that are difficult to reach with regular brushing and lime that can occur with careful brushing and dental flossing. This is the procedure for removing tartar that has become calcified. Professional cleaning includes tartar removal, tooth polishing, and wound resection if tartar builds up too much. Various appliances or appliances are used to loosen and remove plaque.

That is, it does not show that more frequent cleaning leads to better results or not. A review of the research literature on this question states that research evidence is sufficient to conclude the beneficial and adverse effects of routine scaling and polishing on periodontal health, and the effects of performing this intervention at different time intervals. Examining the tube reveals a list of specially formulated ingredients that help cleanse, brighten and protect your smile. The fine, granular properties combined with ingredients such as fluoride help gently remove dirt as an abrasive. When making changes to toothpaste, it is important to consider all ingredients. Brine as a rinse if you want to incorporate pure salt into your oral care routine, consider its function as a dishwashing liquid. Salt can raise the pH of the mouth and can be used to rinse the mouth if you are suffering from mouth lesions such as ulcer pain, sore throat, and inflammation of the cheeks and tongue. By using sodium chloride or table salt as an active ingredient, salt toothpaste acts as a mild abrasive that can remove stains on your teeth. Salt toothpaste usually contains other beneficial ingredients such as glycerin, silica, and resin to give it a paste-like consistency. This blend of ingredients enhances the stain-fighting properties of toothpaste while helping to protect the enamel of the teeth. Brush to brush salt tooth polishing for normal toothpaste the salt of toothpaste helps to remove dirt from teeth, which may be dangerous for their teeth.

Citation: Huilan B (2022) Clinical Study on the Effect of Cavities Cleaning of Occlusal Tooth. J Dentistry. 12:568.

Copyright: © 2022 Huilan B. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.