Editorial - (2021) Volume 12, Issue 5

Bioenergy and Its Scope
Helig E*
Managing Editor, Journal of Petroleum and Environmental Biotechnology, UK
*Correspondence: Helig E, Managing Editor, Journal of Petroleum and Environmental Biotechnology, UK, Email:

Received: 20-May-2021 Published: 30-May-2021, DOI: 10.35248/2157-7463.21.12.424


Biofuels include fuels derived from biomass conversion, as well as solid biomass, liquid fuels. Biofuel is a type of fuel whose energy is derived from biological carbon fixation. Biofuels include fuels derived from biomass conversion, as well as solid biomass, liquid fuels and various biogases.

The Decree on the Conformity Assessment of Solid Biomass for Energy Applications specifies five categories of biomass to which different sustainability requirements apply: •

Category 1: Woody biomass from Forest Management Units;

• Category 2: Woody biomass from small Forest Management Units (FMU <500 hectares);

Bioenergy is one of many diverse resources available to help meet our demand for energy. It is a form of renewable energy that is derived from recently living organic materials known as biomass, which can be used to produce transportation fuels, heat, electricity, and products. Bioenergy is by far the most major renewable contributor to the transportation and heating sectors, as well as a significant portion of renewable electricity generation. Because biomass energy has so many facets and interacts with so many various areas of interest, such as land use, forestry, agriculture, animals, and societal aspects, it is frequently regarded as a problem. Biomass energy production and consumption is a complicated issue that is only one facet of the issues surrounding the long-term viability of all sorts of vegetation, which is, in turn, a critical component of sustaining steady socioeconomic development. Biomass energy should be viewed not only as a source of energy, but also as a reflection of how many traditional (and some modern) civilizations produce energy. Biomass energy should be viewed not only as a source of energy, but also as a reflection of how many traditional (and some modern) civilizations generate, distribute, and utilise various biomass resources, including energy.

Example: Malaysia has a lot of biomass that can be used to make bio-products for the circular green economy in a sustainable way. Natural resources, such as forestry and agricultural resources, will help to achieve these objectives.

Citation: Helig E (2021) Bioenergy and Its Scope. J Petrol Env Biotech Res.12:424

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