Articles published in Journal of Membrane Science & Technology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Membrane Science & Technology has got h-index 13, which means every article in Journal of Membrane Science & Technology has got 13 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Membrane Science & Technology.

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Year wise published articles

60 55 10 7 17

Year wise citations received

160 153 144 94 47
Journal total citations count 798
Journal Impact Factor 1.92
Journal 5 years Impact Factor 2.24
Journal CiteScore 5.4
Journal h-index 13
Important citations

Samaei, S. M., Gato-Trinidad, S., & Altaee, A. (2018). The application of pressure-driven ceramic membrane technology for the treatment of industrial wastewaters–A review. Separation and Purification Technology, 200, 198-220.

Singh, G., & Patidar, S. K. (2018). Microalgae harvesting techniques: A review. Journal of environmental management, 217, 499-508.


Šaki?, D. (2015). Kvantno-kemijsko istraživanje reakcija pregra?ivanja odabranih psihofarmaka (Doctoral dissertation, University of Zagreb. Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry.).

Samhari, O. (2021). Membranes céramiques et polymères modifiées par de l’oxyde de graphène pour la rétention de molécules organiques et le dessalement d’eaux saumâtres et d’eau de mer (Doctoral dissertation, Université Rennes 1; Université Hassan II (Casablanca, Maroc)).

Le Petit, L., Rabiller-Baudry, M., Touin, R., Chataignier, R., Thomas, P., Connan, O., & Périon, R. (2021). Efficient and rapid multiscale approach of polymer membrane degradation and stability: Application to formulation of harmless non-oxidative biocide for polyamide and PES/PVP membranes. Separation and Purification Technology, 259, 118054.

Hashiba, K., Nakai, S., Nishijima, W., Ohno, M., & Gotoh, T. (2020). Degradation of secondary polyamide reverse osmosis membrane by hypochlorite in the presence of calcium ions. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 181, 109351.

Haflich, H. M., Membreno, M. A. R., Jo, H., Huang, K., Toomey, M., Howarter, J. A., & Shah, A. D. (2021). Effect of halides on polyamide-based membrane flux and monomer degradation during chloramination. Journal of Membrane Science, 639, 119717.

Do, T. V. Effects of chlorine exposure on physiochemical properties and performance of polyamide membranes.

Prehn Jr, F. C. (2016). Use of chain growth polycondensation via substituent effects for the development of new polymer brush systems. Colorado School of Mines.

Verbeke, R., Bergmaier, A., Eschbaumer, S., Gomez, V., Dollinger, G., & Vankelecom, I. (2019). Elemental depth profiling of chlorinated polyamide-based thin-film composite membranes with elastic recoil detection. Environmental science & technology, 53(15), 8640-8648.

Maugin, T. (2013). Fate of reverse osmosis (RO) membranes during oxidation by disinfectants used in water treatment: impact on membrane structure and performances (Doctoral dissertation).

Hashiba, K., Nakai, S., Ohno, M., Nishijima, W., Gotoh, T., & Iizawa, T. (2019). Deterioration mechanism of a tertiary polyamide reverse osmosis membrane by hypochlorite. Environmental science & technology, 53(15), 9109-9117.

Huang, K., Reber, K. P., Toomey, M. D., Haflich, H., Howarter, J. A., & Shah, A. D. (2019). Reactivity of the polyamide membrane monomer with free chlorine: reaction kinetics, mechanisms, and the role of chloride. Environmental science & technology, 53(14), 8167-8176.

Mohtasebi, A., Broomfield, A. D., Chowdhury, T., Selvaganapathy, P. R., & Kruse, P. (2017). Reagent-free quantification of aqueous free chlorine via electrical readout of colorimetrically functionalized pencil lines. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 9(24), 20748-20761.

Stolov, M., & Freger, V. (2019). Degradation of polyamide membranes exposed to chlorine: an impedance spectroscopy study. Environmental science & technology, 53(5), 2618-2625.

Montes-Rojas, A., Ramírez-Orizaga, M., Ávila-Rodríguez, J. G., & Torres-Rodríguez, L. M. (2020). Study of Polyaniline/Poly (Sodium 4-Styrenesulfonate) Composite Deposits Using an Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance for the Modification of a Commercial Anion Exchange Membrane. Membranes, 10(12), 387.

Xu, L., Shan, B., Gao, C., & Xu, J. (2020). Multifunctional thin-film nanocomposite membranes comprising covalent organic nanosheets with high crystallinity for efficient reverse osmosis desalination. Journal of Membrane Science, 593, 117398.

Ahmad Tarmizi, A. A., & Azmi, M. A. (2020). Ion exchange behavior of polyaniline and polyaniline/silica composite. Scientific Research Journal, 17(1), 59-72.

Gohil, J. M., & Suresh, A. K. (2017). Chlorine attack on reverse osmosis membranes: Mechanisms and mitigation strategies. Journal of Membrane Science, 541, 108-126.