Articles published in Journal of Psychiatry have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Psychiatry has got h-index 28, which means every article in Journal of Psychiatry has got 28 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Psychiatry.

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Year wise published articles

61 60 117 15 19

Year wise citations received

416 441 429 389 330
Journal total citations count 3549
Journal Impact Factor 1.34
Journal 5 years Impact Factor 2.26
Journal CiteScore 8.71
Journal h-index 28
Important citations

Health conditions and support needs of persons living in residential facilities for adults with intellectual disability in Western Cape Province.

Behavioural phenotypes and neurodevelopmental disorders in Africa.

The experiences of parents of children with mental disability regarding access to mental health care.

Perspectives on access and usage of assistive technology by people with intellectual disabilities in the Western Cape province of South Africa: Where to from here?

Practitioners’ experience of the integration of mental health into primary health care in the West Rand District, South Africa

Residential facilities for adults with intellectual disability in a developing country: A case study from South Africa

Adolescent attachment, family functioning and depressive symptoms

Depressive symptoms as predictors of sexual experiences among very young adolescent girls in slum communities in Nairobi, Kenya.

Silence: a strategy used to deal with psychological distress by young people in the Eastern Cape, South Africa

Priority focus areas for a sub-national response to climate change and health: A South African provincial case study.

Access to Education for Children with Severe to Profound Intellectual Disability in South Africa: The Potential and Limits of Social Action

Epidemiology of Childhood and Adult Mental Illness.

Experience of mental disorder in the context of basic service reforms: the impact on caregiving environments in South Africa.

Addressing childhood trauma in a developmental context

Familial and Contextual Influences on Children’s Prosocial Behavior: South African Caregivers as Adult Protective Shields in Enhancing Child Mental Health

Neuropsychological manifestations in children with Sydenham’s chorea after adjunct intravenous immunoglobulin and standard treatment

Depression among inmates who are sentenced to death or life imprisonment: Gambaran depresi pada narapidana yang divonis hukuman mati atau hukuman seumur hidup

The magnitude of depressive disorder and associated factors among prisoners in Ethiopia; implications for nursing care: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Prevalence and Associated Factors of Depressive Disorder among Prisoners in Mekelle General Prison Center, Tigray, Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Study Design.

A meta-analysis of depressive symptoms among Ethiopian prisoners and a narrative description of its associated factors: a country based systematic review and meta-analysis study