Articles published in Journal of Bacteriology & Parasitology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Bacteriology & Parasitology has got h-index 28, which means every article in Journal of Bacteriology & Parasitology has got 28 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Bacteriology & Parasitology.

  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017

Year wise published articles

63 42 17 21 33

Year wise citations received

420 420 359 332 300
Journal total citations count 3174
Journal Impact Factor 1.89
Journal 5 years Impact Factor 9.93
Journal CiteScore 11.83
Journal h-index 28
Important citations

Ebai CB, Kimbi HK, Sumbele IU, Yunga JE, Lehman LG (2016) Epidemiology of Plasmodium falciparum Malaria in the Ikata-Likoko Area of Mount Cameroon: A Cross Sectional Study.International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health 16: 1-12.

Ndamukong-Nyanga JL, Kimbi HK, Sumbele IU, Emmaculate L, Nweboh MN, et al. (2013) Assessing the Performance Characteristics of the “CareStartTM Malaria HRP2 pf (CAT NO: G0141, ACCESSBIO)” Rapid Diagnostic Test for Asymptomatic Malaria in Mutengene, Cameroon. Methodology.

Ndamukong-Nyanga JL, Kimbi HK, Sumbele IU, Nana Y, Bertek SC, et al. (2015) A Cross-sectional Study on the Influence of Altitude and Urbanisation on Co-infection of Malaria and Soil-transmitted Helminths in Fako Division, South West Cameroon. International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health 8: 150-164. .

Sumbele IU, Ning TR, Bopda OS, Nkuo-Akenji T (2014) Variation in malariometric and red cell indices in children in the Mount Cameroon region following enhanced malaria control measures: evidence from a repeated cross-sectional study.

Bassa FK, Ouattara M, Silué KD, Adiossan LG, Baikoro N, Koné S, N’Cho M, Traoré M, Bonfoh B, Utzinger J, N’Goran EK (2016) Epidemiology of malaria in the Taabo health and demographic surveillance system, south-central Côte d’Ivoire. Malaria journal 15:9.

Nyanga JL, Kimbi HK, Sumbele IU, Emmaculate L, Nweboh MN, et al. (2014) Assessing the Performance Characteristics of the “CareStartTM Malaria HRP2 pf (CAT NO: G0141, ACCESSBIO)” Rapid Diagnostic Test for Asymptomatic Malaria in Mutengene, Cameroon. International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health 4: 1011-1023. .

Tientche B, Smith Asaah DN, Fru-Cho J, Nkuo-Akenji TK (2016) Asymptomatic malaria parasitaemia in school children of Ekondo Titi sub-division, Cameroon. Int J Environ Res Public Health 3:182-90.

Sumbele IU, Bopda OS, Kimbi HK, Ning TR, Nkuo-Akenji T (2015) Influence of Plasmodium gametocyte carriage on the prevalence of fever, splenomegaly and cardiovascular parameters in children less than 15 years in the Mount Cameroon area: cross sectional study. BMC infectious diseases 15:547.

Nzobo BJ, Ngasala BE, Kihamia CM (2015) Prevalence of asymptomatic malaria infection and use of different malaria control measures among primary school children in Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania. Malaria journal 14:491.

Worku L, Damtie D, Endris M, Getie S, Aemero M (2014) Asymptomatic Malaria and Associated Risk Factors among School Children in Sanja Town, Northwest Ethiopia. International Scholarly Research Notices 2014.

Kimbi HK, Wepnje GB, Anchang-Kimbi J, Tonga C, Ayukenchengamba B, et al. (2015) Active Case Detection and Prevalence of Urinary Schistosomiasis and Malaria in Pupils of Kotto Barombi, Southwest Cameroon Using the CyScope® Fluorescence Microscope.International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health 8: 1-12.

Sumbele IU, Ning TR, Bopda OS, Nkuo-Akenji T (2014) Variation in malariometric and red cell indices in children in the Mount Cameroon area following enhanced malaria control measures: evidence from a repeated cross-sectional study. Malaria journal 13:334.

Sumbele IU, Kimbi HK, Ndamukong-Nyanga JL, Nweboh M, Anchang-Kimbi JK, et al. (2015) Malarial anaemia and anaemia severity in apparently healthy primary school children in urban and rural settings in the Mount Cameroon area: cross sectional survey. PloS one 10:e0123549.

Kimbi HK, Nkesa SB, Ndamukong-Nyanga JL, Sumbele IU, Atashili J, et al. (2014) Knowledge and perceptions towards malaria prevention among vulnerable groups in the Buea Health District, Cameroon. BMC public health 14:883.

Kimbi HK, Sumbele IU, Nweboh M, Anchang-Kimbi JK, Lum E, et al. (2013) Malaria and haematologic parameters of pupils at different altitudes along the slope of Mount Cameroon: a cross-sectional study. Malaria journal 12:193.

Tey Estragués L (2016)  Estudi de les poblacions d’eubacteris i arqueobacteris en el funcionament de les cel· les de combustible microbianes (Master's thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).

Kracke F (2016) Understanding extracellular electron transport of industrial microorganisms and optimization for production application.PhD Thesis, Advanced Water Management Centre, The University of Queensland.

Saratale RG, Saratale GD, Pugazhendhi A, Zhen G, Kumar G, et al. (2017) Microbiome involved in microbial electrochemical systems (MESs): A review. Chemosphere 177:176-88.

Opara A, Peoples MJ, Adams DJ, Maehl WC (2014) The Landusky mine biotreatment system: comparison of conventional bioreactor performance with a new electro-biochemical reactor (EBR) technology. Water Miner Process .

Opara A, Peoples MJ, Adams DJ, Martin AJ (2014) Electro-biochemical reactor (EBR) technology for selenium removal from British Columbia's coal-mining waste waters. Minerals & Metallurgical Processing 31.