
Root Coverage Grafting Comparing Placental Derived Membrane to Acellular Dermis Matrix: A Case Series

Stephen C. Wallace

Gingival recession remains a widespread finding in the general patient population. A placenta-derived membrane has been introduced for treatment of recession defects but it has not been studied in comparison to acellular dermis matrix. The purpose of this case series was to evaluate results of coronally advanced flap surgery using placentaderived membranes (PM) compared to acellular dermis matrix (ADM). A split-mouth design was used in this study with 60 contralateral sites in 8 patients with Miller Class I or II recession sites. 30 sites were treated with placenta-derived membranes and were compared to 30 sites treated with acellular dermal matrix, both done with a coronally positioned flap technique. Enamel matrix derivative was applied to all root surfaces after root planing and treatment with EDTA.