
Complex Treatment of the Patients with Alzheimer

Andriy Sinelnyk, Mariya Klunnyk, Iryna Matiyashchuk, Mariya Demchuk, Nataliia Sych, Olena Ivankova, Marina Skalozub and Khrystyna Sorochynska

Objective: The principal aim of this study was to evaluate effectiveness of combined therapy method with inclusion of the standard protocol of treatment using medicines along with application of separated fetal stem cells (FSCs). Higher efficacy of treatment of the patients with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is defined as a technical value of our complex therapy.

Material and Methods: We performed a comparative study of the groups of patients including women and men aged from 50 to 85 years who were presented with diagnostic criteria of Alzheimer’s type dementia by DSM- IV-TR, NINCDS-ADRDA as well as study of the patients with confirmed diagnosis of AD in accordance with ICD-10-CM suffering from mild and moderate-to-severe stages of dementia by CDR and MMSE scales. Along with standard treatment by use of stable doses of medicines our patients were administered FSCs suspensions containing stem cells extracted from the tissues of fetal liver and brain (human cadaveric fetuses of 7-12 weeks gestation) which were acquired as a result of medical abortion due to social and family planning reasons.

Results: In a process of the comparative study the results we received emphasize treatment significance and advantages of complex therapy method compared to standard treatment used as isolated therapy for AD patients suffering from mild-to-moderate dementia. The suggested method of complex treatment is safe and contributes to improved cognitive functions as well as increased daily activities among such a group of AD patients (p<0.05).

Conclusion: Use of preparations with extracted FSCs in complex treatment of the AD patients with mild and moderate grades of dementia has been proven to be safe and effective method of therapy which contributed to better cognitive functions and increased everyday activity among patients with AD.