
Chest Tightness as the Only Presenting Symptom of Atypical Aortic Dissection: A Case Report

Zhang Peng* and Zheng Hongyu

Introduction: Chest pain is a frequent reason for patients with Aortic Dissection (AD) visiting hospital. Most of their patients, their clinical history was much shorter, patients with long-term chest tightness are rather rare. In the retrospective study, the diagnosis and treatment of an atypical AD case with prolonged intermittent chest tightness involving bilateral external iliac artery were referred.

Case presentation: In this case, the patient only had symptoms of chest tightness and was not diagnosed as AD in time due to the inexperience of the receiving doctor. However, the patient’s chest CT timely considered the possibility of AD, and confirmed the diagnosis of AD after completing CTA, and carried out surgical treatment in time

Discussion: Atypical AD in clinic is relatively rare, clinicians to the disease, for no chest pain symptoms and with chronic hypertension, clinicians should ask for details of the history, to rule out other possible disease, should not ignore the existence of AD possible, should have more communication with image doctor communication, complete the CT Angiography (CTA) inspection when necessary, clear AD diagnosis as early as possible.

Conclusion: AD is a very serious cardiovascular emergency; Clinicians should raise awareness of AD, especially of atypical AD, to promote its early diagnosis.

Published Date: 2023-08-21; Received Date: 2023-07-17