
Bio-Active Nano-Diamond Designer Materials and Dentures: From Design to Application

V. Tamara Perchyonok, John Souza, Shengmiao Zhang, Desigar Moodley and Sias Grobler

Objective: The present study aims to design functional biomaterials and evaluate performance of nano-diamond: chitosan based bio-active containing PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate) materials towards application in treatment and prevention of denture stomatitis and associated conditions in denture wearers.

Methods: The bio-active nano-diamond modified PMMA were prepared by dispersion of the corresponding component in glycerol and acetic acid with the addition of chitosan gelling agent. The release behaviors at physiological pH and also under acidic conditions and stability of the antioxidant-chitosan-nano-diamond were also evaluated. Mechanical performance such as tensile strength and compressive strength were measured as well bio-adhesive studies were investigated in order to assess the suitability of these designer materials.

Results: The bio-active nano-diamond modified PMMA materials showed a high adhesive force and they only swelled slightly in the aqueous medium. Bioactive release suggested prolonged release of the therapeutic agent from the hydrogels. The hydrogels also had significant free radical defense capability.

Conclusion: In this study we demonstrated that the newly prepared bio-active modified PMMA resins are suitable novel bio-active materials capable of comparable performance with the conventional PMMA materials with additional benefit of therapeutic bioactive release as well as potential antimicrobial properties to be demonstrated in vitro. Our findings might be thus a step forward towards the development of alternative non antibiotic based strategies targeting bacterial infections.