
A Novel Chemical Solution to Demineralize Vascular Calcification in Ex-Vivo Amputated Limbs

Farres H, Yamani MH, Moualla S, Fuqua P and Hakaim A

The study was performed to evaluate the ex-vivo demineralizing efficacy of a novel chemical solution, combined L(+) lactic acid and D-gluconic acid (LAGA), in calcified peripheral arteries of 2 patients who underwent limb amputation. Angiography was obtained at baseline and after local installation of the 20 ml of LAGA solution in the occluded arteries. A significant dissolution of the calcification with restoration of patency of the occluded arteries was noted. LAGA solution is efficacious in demineralizing calcific peripheral arteries. Our study may pave the way for potential novel therapeutic strategies to treat patients with calcified peripheral arterial disease.